Supporting people who are deaf, hearing impaired or living with dementia
Posted on: 3/05/2021Jane and David live in Fleetwood with Jane’s elderly mother, Susan. Both Jane and her mother are registered deaf and Susan also has Alzheimer’s. Jane is her mother’s full-time carer.
Last year, Susan's progressing Alzheimer's symptoms caused Susan to start falling frequently. Because both Jane and Susan are deaf, Jane struggled to know if Susan needed help if they were in separate rooms of the house. This resulted in Jane experiencing increased levels of worry and concern for Susan's safety. Susan's sleeping patterns were becoming erratic, and she was growing anxious when Jane wasn’t around. With Son in Law, David having to finish work due to his own ill health, all the family were under a lot of stress, leading to a deterioration of their health and wellbeing.
When Susan suffered a broken hip after a fall at home, an Adult Services assessment recommended the installation of Progress Lifeline’s telecare equipment around the home to support all the family.
Soon after the assessment by Adult Services, two Progress Lifeline installers (one with British Sign Language (BSL) training) attended the property to install a range of telecare equipment to ease the strain on Jane and David, to alert them when Susan required help and to help make Susan more comfortable at home.
The sensors and technology used included: a personal pendant alarm connected to the Progress Lifeline monitoring centre, a falls detector which Susan wears round her wrist, and a DDA wrist pager that Jane or David can wear which alerts them if Susan needs help. Additionally, door and bed sensors were also installed which connect to a flashing beacon which Jane and David keep in their bedroom. The flashing beacon alerts Jane and David if Susan has got out of bed and not returned within a certain period of time, indicating that Susan may need help.
• Susan's movements are now being monitored by the telecare equipment, minimising the likelihood of injury or accidents in the home
• Jane and David's health has improved due to them now being able to sleep with reduced interruption, and being able to get on with their daily routine, knowing the technology will alert them should Susan need help. The decrease in worry and stress has had a positive impact on their health and wellbeing
• Jane and David now have increased peace of mind and confidence day and night, knowing that if Susan needs help, they will be alerted immediately and that there is additional support from our Progress Lifeline monitoring centre 24 hours a day
• Susan's anxiety about being left alone is also being managed through the installation of Progress Lifeline equipment, as she understands that Jane will be alerted should she need her
• Communication and understanding at install was improved due to Progress Lifeline being able to provide BSL trained installers for customers who are deaf or hearing-impaired
Since having the Progress Lifeline telecare equipment installed, Jane and David say that: “It’s been a massive help and a godsend. Without Progress Lifeline’s interventions we would have been broken; we were getting no sleep and were under a huge amount of stress and worry. The flashing beacon and vibrating watch with the alarm delay facility have made the most difference to us, allowing us to gauge at night when we need to help Susan or when she can manage on her own”.
The Progress Lifeline telecare equipment is now being used alongside additional support including a medical bed with a rail, a video monitor and carers and district nurses attending during the day so Susan herself is more comfortable and safe and has been able to stay living at home with her family for longer.
Progress Lifeline is an easy-to-use personal alarm system that can enable you to remain independent and more confident in your own home. Prices start from £3.60 per week.
Get in touch
For more information call today on 03333 204 999
Email - lifeline@progressgroup.org.uk
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