Information on Health Conditions

Posted on: 18/02/2022

Here at Progress Lifeline, we strive to provide as much information and support to anyone who may be living with health challenges.

Many people in the UK live with a range of different health conditions. Understanding more about your condition can mean you can do more to manage it, and help you take health challenges in your stride.

We have a dedicated section on our website with information and resources on some health conditions, such as frequent falls, dementia and epilepsy, and we have recently added pages on stroke and rheumatoid arthritis.

Our aim is to continue to add pages over the coming months on more health conditions and chronic illnesses giving you access to our real-life customer journeys, as well as how our products and services can support you in your own journey.

If you're living with a chronic illness, you might feel affected not just physically, but also emotionally and socially. Having help and support at the touch of a button 24/7, 365 days a year could help you enjoy life more, give peace of mind for you and your family and help you live more independently.

Find our health conditions page here: